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2014 Video Shows Fauci Warning of ‘Unintended consequences’ of ‘Draconian’ Quarantines

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been at the forefront of the lockdown and quarantines that have been put in place during this pandemic.

Had he had his way, the lockdowns would have been far worse than they were.

However, when Obama was in office in 2014, Fauci had quite a different outlook on such drastic measures, or, as he put it, “draconian.”

It Always Comes Out

During the Ebola outbreak in Africa in 2014, strict quarantines were put in place in several states on individuals returning from that area.

Fauci did not necessarily support quarantines at that time, stating, “The best way to protect us is to stop the epidemic in Africa, and we need those health care workers — so we do not want to put them in a position where it makes it very, very uncomfortable for them to even volunteer to go.”

He added that “we have to be careful that there aren’t unintended consequences.”

Fauci continued, “The best way to stop this epidemic is to help the people in West Africa.

“We do that by sending people over there, not just from the U.S.A, but from other places.

“We need to treat them, returning people, with respect…They’re really heroes, so the idea that we’re being a little bit draconian, there are other ways to protect.”

With Ebola being far deadlier than COVID-19, why the difference of opinion Dr. Fauci?

To see Dr. Fauci’s full interview with Chuck Todd, click here.

Source: Fox News

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