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Newt Gingrich Says Pelosi Leadership is ‘Total collapse of the legislative process’

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has popped up again, and he is unleashing on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Gingrich took aim at the way Pelosi is trying to ram through legislation right now.

Newt Goes Off

In part, Gingrich stated, “I think that it really tells you how the system is evolving that they’re ramming through all of this legislation.

“They have a five-vote margin, and basically, they’re saying to their members, ‘You don’t have to read anything. You don’t have to know what’s in it. We don’t have to have any hearings. You can’t offer any amendments. All you need to know is show up and vote yes.’

“And It is the most machine-like House I can remember going back to Joe Cannon in around 1905.

“And these folks don’t represent anybody except Nancy Pelosi. And so, they walk in.

“They’re told, ‘We’re bringing up this next bill and vote yes.’ And they go, ‘Absolutely.’ And it’s a total collapse of the legislative process.”

You can hear Gingrich’s statement in the video below…

Source: Breitbart

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