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REPORT: Border Patrol Releases 2,000 Untested Migrants in Texas

Earlier this week, Governor Abbott went ballistic regarding the release of untested migrants in the state of Texas.

The Biden administration has denied doing this, but a recent Border Patrol report says differently.

According to that report, roughly 2,000 illegal immigrants were released into Texas without ever having a COVID test.

Del Rio Assault

The town where this reportedly happened is Del Rio, Texas.

For those of you unfamiliar, Del Rio has about 35,000 residents with a median income of just shy of $45,000.

Point being, it is not a wealthy community and it surely cannot absorb these people, let alone individuals that are possibly testing positive for COVID.

Democrat Del Rio Mayor Bruno Lozano is not happy his city is being used for this purpose by the Biden administration, stating, “You have this whole administration whose major line item on their platform is a hard stance on COVID-19, and you have this humongous gap in that policy, humongous on ginormous proportion.

“I don’t think it’s my city’s responsibility to test these migrants. I think it’s the federal government’s responsibility.

“They’re forcing it down our throats.”

According to the report, 464 migrants were released in February and there have already been 1,700 more released in March.

You can read more about this report in Breitbart.

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