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Senator Cotton Introduces Legislation to Ban Critical Race Theory from Military

Senator Cotton (R-AR) always takes a special interest when it comes to our military.

With a new woke Secretary of Defense, Cotton is trying to take action to prevent critical race theory from being taught to our military members.

Cotton stated, “Our military’s strength depends on the unity of our troops and the knowledge that America is a noble nation worth fighting for.

“Critical race theory teaches that race is a person’s most important characteristic, and that America is an evil, oppressive place.

“That idea may be fashionable in left-wing circles and college classrooms, but it has no place in our military.

“Not only will such racist ideas undermine our troops’ faith in each other, they’ll also erode their trust in our country’s guiding principles.

“The United States military shouldn’t be promoting such divisive, un-American ideas.”

Because Republicans no longer hold the majority, the bill has little chance of making it through, but, believe me, we do appreciate the effort, Senator Cotton.

You can read more about this report on Fox News.

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