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Charles Barkley Tired of Narrative ‘Free education is nothing’

Former NBA star and current commentator Charles Barkley said something that will infuriate liberals in the sporting world this week.

Barkley was taking on the narrative of student-athletes getting paid.

In particular, he was very upset over the idea of a free education constantly being dismissed.

But They Are Getting Paid

We all realize that college sports bring in big money, but that money has to get spread around.

For all the money college basketball and college football make, virtually every other major sports program loses money.

Point being, that income helps schools operate dozens of athletic programs, not just the one sport generating income.

If schools had to add student salaries, there is simply no way they would be able to keep their full sports programs.

Instead, these kids get a free ride at school, educations that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you broke out the dollar value of the education and other freebies these kids get at school, they would be making far more than entry-level employees in just about any field.

If they choose not to take advantage of that education, that is on them.

Additionally, the media and advocates for paying students make this even worse by pretending the value of the education means nothing… which is what Barkley addressed…

I have been saying that myself for years, Charles… well done!

Source: Fox News

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