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Biden Loses His Cool on Campaign Trail, Puts Hands on Voter

Joe Biden has had yet another run-in with a voter on the campaign trail, this time with someone that even said he would back him in the general election.

Joe Biden was appearing in Iowa trying to drum up support for his quickly fading campaign, when this happened…

Go Vote for Someone Else

Right now, the Democrat party is trying to figure out how they can save Joe Biden from Joe Biden.

The man is clearly starting to lose it and the edge on him when he gets questioned about anything is starting to show just how much this race is taking a toll on Biden.

The man in the video is Ed Fallon, a Tom Steyer supporter.

Fallon was doing nothing wrong here, other than trying to get information from Biden about his climate change proposal.

He even told Biden that if Steyer did not win the primary, he would back Biden as “long as you treat me right.”

Biden then went on to lecture the man about how primaries work, and you can see the utter look of shock on Fallon’s face as this exchange is taking place.

Get Your Hands Off Me!

Biden was clearly trying to pull off his tough-guy persona here by putting his hands on Fallon and even poking him in the chest.

This was not something Fallon took lightly.

After the interaction with Biden, Fallon stated, “What was even more shocking was how Biden pushed and poked me, and then took hold of my jacket with both hands as he lectured me.

“I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it one more time: Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate LEAST likely to beat Donald Trump.

“His demeanor on the stump will inevitably come back to bite him, perhaps repeatedly.”

Steyer even chimed in after the altercation went viral…

This is going to be a problem for Biden if he keeps it up because someone is going to take exception to Biden putting his hands on them in the moment, and they will be right to do so.

So, let me ask, what happens when Biden starts poking someone like that again and they slap his hand away?

Something tells me we are going to see that happen sooner rather than later.

With any luck, it will be when Biden is campaigning in my neck of the woods.

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