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REPORT: Biden’s Department of Energy Blocked Texas Energy Request

A blistering report has just been revealed that paints a whole new picture as to how this energy crisis in Texas evolved.

According to the report, a request was made by Texas to the Department of Energy to lift federal regulations regarding energy purchases to meet the increased power demands.

That request, however, was denied, and we all know what happened after that.


Could the entire energy surge have been met?

That is a question we still don’t know, but we can say pretty confidently that the excessive pricing on the energy for those that continued to have power would have been largely avoided.

Texas reportedly made a request to have the regulations lifted to continue to provide power outside the normal requirements, but the document below shows that not only was the request denied, but the Department of Energy also knew the prices would go through the roof…

The Dallas Business Journal reported, “Electricity on the Texas grid has averaged about $1,137.33 per megawatt hour so far in February, up from $18.20 per megawatt hour in February 2020, according to data from the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas. That’s a jump of more than 6,000 percent.”

This is now on Joe Biden.

The full order is below…

DOE 202(c) Emergency Order … by adan_infowars

Can someone please stick a microphone in Joe Biden’s face and have him explain this?

To see the full chain of communication between ERCOT and the Dept. of Energy, click here.

Source: Your News

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