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Joy Reid Crosses the Line with Conservatives

The mainstream media and Democrats have done their best to paint conservatives with a single broad stroke.

None have been more shameful than Joy Reid, however, who truly just crossed a line.

Dangerous Words

The entire left has gotten into a very ugly habit of making outliers seem as though they are the norm.

Reid continued that trend by calling every conservative in this country a racist.

She stated, “I’ll say it again: people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word like in ‘the good old days.’

“To them, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression. Trump is the avatar for this ‘freedom.'”

Her comments did not go unnoticed by conservatives, with many high-profile conservatives immediately calling her out.

Leo Terrell sent out this tweet…

Ben Shapiro also responded…

And another response from Ryan Girdusky…

We keep hearing how the left wants unity, but all they ever do is work to get half the country to absolutely despise conservatives.

Source: The Blaze

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