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AOC Chief of Staff Tweets Racist Accusations Against Fellow Democrats and Southerners

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez continues to generate more bad press than good for Democrats, but this gaffe was at the hands of her chief of staff.

Saikat Chakrabarti sent out a tweet calling the “New Democrats and Blue Dog Caucus the ‘New Southern Democrats.’”

The implication was clear that Chakrabarti is accusing this particular group of Democrats of being racists as well as implying southerners are racist by default.

Not Backing Down

Chakrabarti deleted the tweet not long after, but it had been caught for all of posterity by Matt Whitlock…

He would later try to defend his tweet, saying that he was mad, but that is no excuse in this day and age.

Chakrabarti stated, “If we don’t’ have progress on racial justice it will be because of the new Dems and blue dogs. Just like in 1940.

“I don’t think people have to be personally racists to enable a racist system.

“And the same could even be said of the Southern Democrats.”

Can’t Take It Back

You don’t get to throw accusations around like that and be able to take them back by deleting a comment.

Chakrabarti is basically accusing Democrats of being racists because they approved the Senate bill for relief funding for border facilities.

The fact these individuals are so enraged that bill was passed proves nothing more than they are only in it for the power.

They whined about the conditions and how horrible it was for the kids, but they are actually upset legislation passed that does nothing but improve the conditions at the border.

There were no hidden agendas and no poison pills in the legislation, so what is there to be upset about.

You got the kids the funding needed and now you can go about posturing and arguing in other legislation.

Let’s be clear… had a Republican chief of staff sent out a like tweet, he or she would have been pressured out of office within hours.

Yet, for some reason, Chakrabarti not only still has a job, he and AOC are not answering calls from the media to comment on it.

If AOC has an ounce of integrity, he will be gone by the end day.

Source: Fox News

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