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AOC Slapped with Lawsuit by Disgruntled Democrat

Earlier this week, a court decision was handed down against Trump for blocking Twitter users that did not agree with him.

Some of the fallout of the case is going to hit Rep. Ocasio-Cortez square across the jaw for having blocked Dov Hikind on her Twitter account.

The moment the Trump case decision was issued, Hikind said he was filing a lawsuit against AOC because she blocked him for his “stinging” critiques of her tweets.

The Ruling

As a “normal” person, you can block anyone you choose.

Even as a public official, if you only use your personal account for personal social media, you can still block users from that account, but not an official government account.

When the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals held up the ruling against Trump, it spelled disaster for AOC as well.

Dov Hikind, who is a former Democrat New York Assemblymen, stated, “Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow.

“Twitter is a public space, and all should have access to the government officials on it.”

While Trump has an official @Potus account, he more often than not uses his @RealDonaldTrump handle to discuss policy and update voters.

As such, that account is now deemed to be a “public” account rather than a private one.

AOC does much the same on her personal @AOC Twitter account.

She regularly criticizes policy and touts her own agenda, so her personal account would definitely fall under this ruling.

Trump reportedly unblocked those Twitter users months ago when the original ruling was handed down, so this is not really a big blow to him.

AOC, however, only recently blocked Hikind and apparently has a considerable list of blocked users she will now have to unblock.

Hikind stated, “It’s unclear if Ocasio-Cortez is aware of this ruling or not, but either way, I have decided, after speaking with my legal counsel, to initiate a lawsuit against her for blocking me and a host of other public figures.

“Ocasio-Cortez is acting cowardly and should be ashamed of her attempts to silence me.

“I’ve done nothing but address her ignorance and disregard for the truth.

“She constantly brags about the millions of followers she has but is afraid of my speech.

“She is a hypocrite.

“I’m looking forward to the day where she has to unblock me so that free speech in America is guaranteed even when it offends!”

Source: New York Post

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