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Arizona Sheriff Says Five or Six Migrant Groups Crossing Daily Where Wall Construction Halted

One of Joe Biden’s first orders of business after moving into the White House was to halt border wall construction.

According to one border sheriff, that order has created more border crossings, specifically in these areas where construction was halted.

Who Left the Door Open?

When I was a kid, my father was fond of asking me if I lived in a barn when I would forget to close the door.

Well, right now, our entire country is an open barn.

Biden’s order halted border wall construction that has already been paid for.

However, when everyone was told to put their tools down, it means gaping holes were left where the old fencing had been taken down and the new wall was supposed to go up.

Illegals have since pounced, using these gaps to get over the border.

Cochise County, AZ Sheriff Mark Dannels stated, “When President Biden rescinded the emergency order on the southwest border, it stopped resources and stopped construction on our border.

“As a result of that, one area where the fence is not complete, we get five or six groups a day coming across there. It’s opened up the border.

He continued, “This administration owns this decision and what it’s doing is it’s forcing us back to 2019, when we had the largest what I call crime scene in the country, to include the largest humanitarian situation going on.”

You can read more about this report on Fox News.

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