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Beto is Out!

Beto O’Rourke has finally admitted what everyone else in this country knew months ago… his campaign is over.

Just moments ago, O’Rourke announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States has been suspended.

Through a series of tweets, O’Rourke stated:

“Our campaign has always been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively.

“In that spirit: I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee.

“I am grateful to all the people who made up the heart and soul of this campaign.

“You were among the hundreds of thousands who made a donation, signed up to volunteer or spread the word about this campaign and our opportunity to help decide the election of our lifetime.

“Let us continue to fearlessly champion the issues and causes that brought us together.

“Whether it is ending the epidemic of gun violence or dismantling structural racism or successfully confronting climate change, we will continue to organize and mobilize and act.”

Never Had a Chance

O’Rourke never had a chance in this election, and it was not because his party rigged the system against him.

He was trying to ride the wave of excitement he garnered from his failed run against Ted Cruz, but Americans saw right through his charade.

Beto was a con artist that tried to use the mass shooting in El Paso to his political advantage.

Within hours of the shooting, O’Rourke was using the backdrop of the attacks to rail against Trump.

When he actually blamed the shooting on Trump, Americans had heard enough.

That was the final straw in a campaign that never really got off the ground in terms of support.

The real shame is the millions of dollars that some Americans donated to his campaign, money they surely could have used for their own bills might as well have been flushed down the toilet.

Goodbye and good riddance, Beto! May we never hear your name in politics again.

Source: NBCDFW

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