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Beto O’Rourke: Trump Has ‘no place’ in El Paso

On Monday, President Trump announced he is going to visit El Paso to speak with local politicians and citizens to see what the federal government can provide to them to heal the community.

Beto O’Rourke, who has openly blamed Trump for the tragedy, says Trump should stay away.

O’Rourke stated, “This president, who helped create the hatred that made Saturday’s tragedy possible, should not come to El Paso.

“We do not need more division.

“We need to heal.

“He has no place here.”

In addition to O’Rourke, U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-El Paso), stated that Trump was not welcome in her city.

She stated, “From my perspective, he is not welcome here.

“He should not come here while we are in mourning.

“I would encourage the president’s staff members to have him do a little self-reflection.

“I would encourage them to show him his own words and his actions at the rallies.”

Discussions with the Mayor

While O’Rourke has stated Trump should not come, the Democrat mayor of the city, Dee Margo, has been receptive to the idea.

Margo stated that everyone needs to put politics aside because this visit is not political.

He even accuses people of having too much time on their hands for overloading his inbox with emails on the subject.

While it is unclear if Trump is also going to head to Dayton, reports were that local authorities in both cities were advised to be on alert for a presidential visit.

The rhetoric on this from Democrats needs to stop, period.

Conservatives are just as distraught over these attacks as anyone else in this country and they want to offer support, but this rhetoric from the left is going to find that hand pulled back sooner rather than later.

Both the media and politicians are now putting targets on Trump supporters, stating that anyone that supports Trump is just as responsible as Trump for these horrors.

As I stated previously, just as Obama and every president before him that was in office during a mass shooting was not guilty of those shootings, Trump is not guilty of this.

All we are seeing is blatant exploitation of a national tragedy to score political points.

O’Rourke was stumping outside the Walmart where the shooting happened within hours of the shooting… how despicable is that?

He claims he wants to help the community heal, yet he continues to fire off hateful soundbites thinking that will save his failing presidential run.

Your words may work in El Paso, Mr. O’Rourke, but you are failing terribly in the eyes of the rest of this nation.

Source: Texas Tribune

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