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Biden Campaign Collapsing in Early Primary States

The collapse of Joe Biden’s campaign has been predicted for months here, and that prognostication may finally be coming to fruition.

A new poll taken after the last debate by Suffolk University/Boston Globe paints a pretty bleak picture for Biden, who now resides in fourth place in New Hampshire.

The Slow Decline of Biden

Before Joe Biden ever announced, he had a 40 percent national backing.

Then, every time he opened his mouth, that percentage declined.

We don’t even have to account for the nonsense with this son, because that really has not even taken hold yet.

No, this is all on Joe Biden, as the truth about who he really is slowly but surely gets out to voters.

February Looming

Initial voting in the primaries starts in February, with four states opening up the primary election.

While a candidate does not necessarily need to win these elections, he or she will have to be competitive heading into Super Tuesday to have any kind of chance of winning the overall nomination.

Not so long ago, Joe Biden had about 21 percent of the vote in New Hampshire, now he is hanging around 12 percent.

This puts him in fourth place in the state behind Sanders, Warren, and Buttigieg, respectfully.

The sad thing for Biden is that he has had a real chance to distance himself from Sanders and Warren, but all he has managed to do is handoff support to Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard, as she is now quickly gaining ground from the moderate Democrat voting base.

Sanders and Warren have remained virtually unchanged from poll to poll, really failing to energize anyone outside their respective voter bases.

The sentiment from one voter, Michael Mahany, is typical of how people feel about Joe Biden right now.

Mahany, who is 61 years old, should be right in Biden’s wheelhouse, but he stated, “I had pretty high hopes for Joe Biden.

“I wanted to like him and vote for him because of his time with the Obama administration and I thought he had the experience.

“But he just hasn’t had his stuff together, and he just hasn’t stepped up in the debates and I am not sure he ever will now.”

While Biden has enjoyed significant support within the Latino community, he put that at risk when he told a Hispanic man that volunteered for the Obama campaign in 2008 to go vote for Trump.

Biden also recently lost his ranking Latina campaign staffer because she has lost faith in Biden’s legitimate concerns for minority communities, specifically Hispanics.

If Biden leaves New Hampshire and Iowa without the lead, expect him to start to hit the panic button and more importantly, watch his voters start to abandon him for a candidate they believe can with this election.

When that happens, we are going to get an even better look at the REAL Joe Biden!

Source: Breitbart

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