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Biden Compares Trump Administration to KKK

Joe Biden has officially fallen in line with the Democrat rallying cry that Donald Trump is a white supremacist.

Biden accused Trump of using “dog whistles” to encourage racism.

This is a term that implies Trump is trying to send silent or coded messages to a targeted group of people to encourage specific behavior. In this case, he is talking about racism and white supremacy.

Biden stated, “This is a president who has said things no other president has said since Andrew Jackson.

“Nobody’s said anything like the things he’s saying.”

He added, “We went through this before in the ’20s with the Ku Klux Klan.

“50,000 people walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in pointed hats and robes because they, in fact, decided they didn’t want any Catholics coming into the country.”

Biden further stated that Trump is purposely trying to divide this nation.

He stated, “We went through it after the Civil War in terms of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy.

“This is about separating people into the good and bad in his mind.

“It’s about an access to power, it’s a trait used by charlatans all over the world … divide people, pit them against one another.”

Joe Biden made these statements in the aftermath of the El Paso and Dayton shootings.

So, tell me, how are these types of inflammatory words supposed to help a nation and the people of these communities heal from these atrocities.

Furthermore, does he not consider his own words to be divisive, pitting conservatives and liberals?

He is literally doing what he is accusing Trump of doing!

Biden sounds as though he is trying to play amateur psychologist rather than actually concentrate on the real issues that caused these shootings.

He completely ignores what inspired the Dayton shooter and insists this violence is happening specifically because of Donald Trump.

I can’t help but wonder why Anderson Cooper did not ask him if he or Obama and the things they said while in office were responsible for the 32 mass shootings that happened on their watch.

The party that is creating a divide right now, in fact, is the Democrat party.

The words they are using are driving a wedge right down the middle of this country that will take decades to heal.

They are turning Americans that never really paid attention to politics into angry people on both sides of the aisle.

The blood in the streets, the divide in this nation, the anger and hatred that are reaching a boiling point, that is on Democrats, not Trump.

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