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Biden Does It Again… Insults LGBT Community at Seattle Fundraiser

If I were President Trump, I would not invest another penny in attacking Biden because if he just leaves him alone, Biden will destroy his chances all on his own.

While appearing at a fundraiser in Seattle on Saturday, Biden told the group only four years ago it would have been acceptable behavior for making “fun of a gay waiter.”

Several of the 50 people in attendance did not agree, with members of the audience screaming out, “Not in Seattle!”

Joe is Out of Touch

I don’t know what world Biden has been living in, but that type of behavior has not been considered “acceptable” for some time in this country.

It is fairly safe to say the LGBT community has been openly accepted in this country for decades now.

If Biden thinks that type of behavior was acceptable only four years ago, he is proving he has clearly lost touch with the base of this country, especially his own liberal base.

Just Days Before…

This latest gaffe by Biden comes only days after characterizing a black man in a hoodie as “gangbanger.”

Biden was called out on those comments by Cory Booker.

We get what Biden was trying to say in both cases, but he seems incapable of putting together the language to make a politically correct statement.

That is not exactly a good attribute for a candidate running for the party that prides itself on political correctness.

The public is seeing this as well, with Biden’s support starting to fade very quickly.

In the latest polls, Biden is down to 31 percent.

That may seem like a big chunk of the vote, but that is 25 percent less support than he had only a week ago.

His campaign clearly cannot continue to make these missteps and it only seems to be a matter of time before the damage is so bad that Biden is relegated to watching this third presidential campaign ended before election day.

Source: Fox News

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