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Biden Flips Out on Iowa Voter [VIDEO]

If you read SPN regularly, you know I have stated how nasty Joe Biden can get when he is challenged on something.

Biden had the benefit of social media not being around during most of his career and when Obama was running for office, the focus was on him for the bulk of the campaign, not cranky old Joe.

Now, however, it is a different story and the REAL Joe Biden is starting to show up.

Angry Joe

If you want to set Joe off, just talk to him about Hunter Biden.

When a man in Iowa did that, Joe Biden instantly turned into a nasty old man, getting quite angry and at one point, Biden was actually screaming at the man.

Biden was fine when the man threw a jab or two at him over his age, but then all hell broke loose.

The Iowan stated, “But on the other hand, you sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company where he had no experience. … In order to get access for the president … you’re selling access to the president just like he was.”

Biden did not say he was misinformed or anything of the kind, he just slammed the man, stating, “You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true and no one has ever said that.”

Of course, Joe Biden is wrong because plenty of people are saying it.

When the man told Biden he got his information from MSNBC, Biden really lost his cool, stating, “You don’t hear that on MSNBC.

“You did not hear that at all. I’m not gonna get into an argument here.”

Keep It Up

What this man did to Biden needs to happen at every Town Hall and rally Joe Biden holds.

We need to get in his face and make him answer for the probability that he used his influence and power for Hunter Biden’s financial gain.

If you really want to set him off, accuse Hunter Biden of being a deadbeat dad, which he is.

Ask him how he sits up there and preaches about the moral fabric of this country when his son is an alcoholic, drug addict, and had to be taken to court to support his own son.

Biden is touting this as his “No Malarkey” tour, so let’s get in his face and make him answer these questions.

This is how we win 2020 across the board because if we continue to get in Joe Biden’s face, he will break and it will destroy the Democrat party.

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