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Biden Regains Commanding Lead in Democrat Primary Poll

It would appear as though Joe Biden has finally recovered from the beating he took at the hands of Kamala Harris.

The latest Fox News Poll has Joe Biden atop the field, regaining his earlier 2:1 advantage.

Biden is now polling at 33 percent, with Bernie Sanders being the next closest candidate at 15 percent.

The Big Surprise

The most notable surprise in the poll is the decline of both Harris and Warren.

After the first debate, Harris had surged significantly.

In several polls, she had eclipsed both Sanders and Warren to take over second place.

Additionally, Elizabeth Warren had at one point gotten as close as eight points within Biden in some polls.

With the dust now settling, the numbers are almost identical to what they were prior to that first debate.

The only real difference is the fact that Harris has finally stabilized in double digits and has solidified her position in fourth place at 10 percent.

The Rest of the Field

While Pete Buttigieg enjoyed a quick 15 minutes of fame, his path to the White House now appears to be diminishing rather quickly.

Mayor Pete had also flirted with double digits at one point, but he has now slipped all the way back down to five percent.

Based on the next debate lineup, he is not going to have much chance to make that up because he will not be sharing the stage with Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

Honestly, after Biden, Sanders, Warren, and Harris, the rest of the field needs to drop out of this race.

Can Biden Beat Trump?

If Biden makes it through the primary, how much of challenge will he be to Trump?

Honestly, at this point, it is simply too tough to tell because we still don’t know how Trump is going to attack him.

Also, because Biden has solidified his lead again, he is going to take attacks from virtually every candidate on that stage and they are not going to be pleasant.

We still have to see what Americans are reacting to and what they simply don’t care about when it comes to Biden.

The one troublesome thing for Trump, though, is the fact the economy is polling so weakly with probable voters.

A good economy has always been a virtual guarantee of re-election for a president but far too few people are giving Trump credit for how well the economy is doing.

This could be something the Trump campaign focuses on during the general election cycle, considering Biden was the VP during one of the worst economic collapses in this country.

Personally, I still question if Biden will be forced to drop out before the primary even happens after something from his past surfaces.

In the end, though, I think Trump will beat him, but I also believe it will be much closer than the race against Hillary Clinton simply due to the fact there are conservatives out there that despise Trump and believe Biden is moderate enough that he can win their vote.

Source: Fox News Poll

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