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Biden Vows to Open Immigrant Floodgates if Elected

Joe Biden does not want to control immigration if elected, he wants to open the floodgates.

While Biden was speaking to the Asian and Latino Coalition PAC, Biden stated this country could take in more than two million more immigrants in a heartbeat.

Open the Gates

When you talk about pandering for votes, just listen to the words that come out of Biden’s mouth at virtually every stop on the campaign trail.

This country allows about 1.2 million immigrants into the country legally every year.

That, however, is not enough for Creepy Uncle Joe.

While speaking to the PAC, Biden stated, “We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people.

“The idea that a country of 330 million people is cannot absorb people who are in desperate need … is absolutely bizarre … I would also move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the United States.”

Pathway to Citizenship

As if that were not bad enough, Biden also has a plan for the more than estimated 11 million illegals already here (some estimates go as high as 20 million).

Joe wants them all to come forward so he can give them amnesty and a path to citizenship.

That is a pretty disturbing statement for middle-class workers, many of whom would probably find themselves out of work as lower-skilled workers flood the market.

This is not a myth or conspiracy theory, but fact.

A recent study from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine estimate that roughly $500 billion in wages is shifted to new arrivals in this country and away from working middle-class Americans.

Not only that, another study by Steven Camarotta estimated that every one percent increase in immigrants results in hourly wages being decreased by .4 percent and overall wages being decreased by .8 percent.

Based on the historical trend, Biden’s plan would decrease hourly wages by 26.4 percent and overall wages by 52.8 percent.

Correct me if I am wrong, but are Democrats not trying to increase the minimum wage, not shrink it?

The recent tax cuts have been driving wages, but that would quickly end if Biden’s plan is put into place (and don’t forget Biden also stated he would roll back the tax cuts right out of the gate).

This may come off as fear-mongering, but the reality right now is that with their current immigration plans, if ANY Democrat is elected into the White House, the American economy is going to tank.

Not only will Americans be fighting for jobs, but corporations are going to dramatically cut back on their labor forces if they don’t leave the country outright.

With the plan Dems have proposed, the tax rates for companies would simply be too high to do business here.

Somehow, though, they will figure out a way to blame that all on Trump too.

Source: Breitbart

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