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Biden’s Multi-Million Dollar Windfall Revealed in Financial Documents

Joe Biden’s financial records have just been released and it paints a picture of yet another establishment Democrat who has reaped the rewards of serving in public office.

According to the reports, Biden raked in more than $15 million over the last two years.

Humble Public Servant

When someone like AOC rails that public officials need to be paid more money, just point her towards Joe Biden’s tax returns and tell her to shut up.

In 2017, Biden’s top line income was more than $11 million.

In 2018, Biden came in at a paltry $4.5 million.

While most of the money that went into Biden’s bank account was due to a couple of best sellers written by Joe and his wife Jill, the couple still made more than $1 million in income outside of the books each year.

Not bad for a public servant, huh?

The Biden Books

If you read my articles daily, you know I have absolutely no love at all for Joe Biden.

I think he is a closet racist, a narcissist, a liar, and I believe he is trying to use the death of his son Beau to skate through this election, which is probably the biggest of all sins.

Biden has become a multi-millionaire by exploiting the death of his son.

The former Vice President made more than $10 million for writing Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose, a book that details the ordeal of the death of Beau.

His wife Jill made more than $3 million for writing her book, Where the Light Enters: Building a Family, Discovering Myself.

Let’s be honest, were it not for Biden being in office, do you really think anyone would have cared what Jill Biden had to say?

Biden is typical of our politicians that convert their offices into big-time paychecks.

In addition to the book, Biden was pulling down a salary of $775,000 from the University of Pennsylvania as a professor at the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

The man of the people also happens to live in a 12,000 sq. ft. mansion in Virginia.

Does anyone else find it just a bit ironic that a man that tells us we all need to give up more is raking it in for being part of one of the worst presidential administrations in modern times?

Now, there will be those that will defend Biden and say that while he was in office, he never made much more than his government paycheck.

To those individuals, I would point to Biden’s friends and family, who often seemed to find a windfall through government contracts.

Biden may not have been raking in the cash to his own bank account, but he was surely making everyone else he knew rich, and you better believe he got some shoe boxes filled with cash under the Christmas tree for his troubles.

The man is a snake oil salesman and we simply cannot allow him to get anywhere near Washington, D.C. ever again.

Source: Fox News

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