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Booker Calls Out Biden Over ‘Hoodie’ Remark

Joe Biden is once again under attack for verbiage he is using in his massive effort to pander to the far left and minority voters in the Democrat party.

During a recent appearance at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Biden stated, “That kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger.”

Booker took exception to the comment, saying that Biden “needs to have the language to talk about race in a far more constructive way.”

Blood in the Water

Kamala Harris was the like the first shark in an attack against Biden.

She took a nibble out of his leg during the debate to see if Biden would bleed on this issue, and she ended up hitting his femoral artery.

Now that Biden is bleeding out, the rest of the Democrat candidates are a gam of sharks ready to feed.

Booker loves to use the race card, so it is really no surprise he was next in to take a shot at Biden.

However, in all honesty, Biden deserves this because I firmly believe that while he may not be an overt racist, there is definitely a little racist blood coursing through his veins.

All you need to do is look at his early days in the Senate and his legislative history to see that.

Can’t Say That Joe

If Biden were just a bit more current, he would know that even hinting a person in a hoodie is up to no good is politically incorrect these days…

Ironically, during that same speech, Biden was discussing the fact there are too many minorities in prison today.

Biden must have Alzheimer’s because he helped write the 1994 crime law signed by Bill Clinton that is widely regarded for the mass incarceration of black men in this country.

Biden has defended the law vehemently, stating it “restored American cities” and ended violent crime on our streets.

However, when you look the individuals that were largely arrested during that time, it was African-American males.

Biden is getting exposed badly now that his fellow candidate are focusing on him and it is showing in the polls.

As long as we can keep up this pressure, there is little doubt Biden will soon be a three-time loser in presidential elections.

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