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Cher Anti-Immigration Tweet Sends Liberals Scrambling

Cher, who has been extremely outspoken against President Trump, just sent liberals reeling with a recent tweet.

With Democrats continuously sticking up for illegal immigrants, Cher tweeted a dose of reality regarding immigrants and the state of California today…

Not a Presidential Fan

To say Cher has been anti-Trump could be the understatement of the year.

She has called Trump a traitor and accused him of treason on more than one occasion

Now, however, she is going after Democrats and their insistence on flooding our country with immigrants.

Cher actually hits the nail on the head with her tweet and unknowingly endorses two of President Trump’s most adamant campaign positions: immigration and our veterans.

Ignoring Veterans

For some reason, this country has put the blinders on when it comes to veterans.

Suicide rates are sky high and more and more of our veterans are coming back from overseas duty with PTSD.

Trump made this a fixture during his campaign and while the situation is getting better, there is still a LOT of work to be done to get this rectified.

Just a small portion of the money used to benefit illegal immigrants would go a long way to rectifying this problem.

The Trickle-Down Effect

If you read our articles regularly, you know the trickle-down effect of illegal immigration costs this country trillions of dollars every year.

The costs of benefits alone for illegal immigrants would probably wipe out our national debt in a matter of years.

It goes much deeper, though.

There are the problems it created with the drug tracd, through human trafficking, and of course, unemployment.

Far too many business owners in this country use illegal immigrants and pay them under the table, costing real Americans work and driving wages down.

If someone like Cher can see it, why can’t the rest of liberal America?

The question now is if Democrats will call Cher a racist and Islamophobic for wanting to put Americans first.

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