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Denver Democrat Suggests Spreading Coronavirus at MAGA Rally

The hate from the left is something the media continues to ignore, but it is something that will, if allowed to continue, rip this country apart come November regardless of who wins this election.

I am referring to a tweet sent out by Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca.

She Really Said It

Obviously, everyone in this country right now is worried about preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Well, almost everyone.

CdeBaca has come up with the brilliant idea of heading out to MAGA rallies if she contracts the virus in an effort to infect Trump supporters with the virus…

Now, CdeBaca did not create the meme, she just retweeted the meme that someone else has created.

However, based on her actual tweet, which was “#solidarity Yaaas!!,” we can safely make the assumption she thought this was a really good idea.

Needless to say, her tweet did not go over well with Trump-supporting accounts, including the President’s son…

Politicizing the Virus

If there was ever an issue that should not be used for political attacks, this is it.

However, from the very moment this virus became a worldwide problem, Dems have used it to attack Trump.

I have even suggested on social media that the worse this crisis gets, the more Democrats seem to celebrate…

Last week during her press conference, Nancy Pelosi stated now was not the time to make a political attack but rather to work together to fix the crisis.

She then turned around and went on a 10-minute rant attacking the administration.

The problem is that the mainstream media ONLY reported her opening comments, then followed that up with Trump ripping Pelosi for her recent comments, making it sound as though Trump was being the instigator when that was clearly not the case.

The party touting unity is still creating the divide and the media is complicit in making this happen.

And yet they wonder why more and more Americans are flocking to alt-media sites like ours while outlets like FB and Twitter put a boot on our throat to keep us silent by not distributing our content.

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