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DOJ Sends ‘Warning’ to Mueller Prior to House Testimony

Robert Mueller is scheduled to speak on the Hill tomorrow, but the DOJ just sent him a friendly reminder not to get too loose with those lips.

Mueller was sent a letter by the DOJ telling him that his testimony “must remain within the boundaries of your public report because matters within the scope of your investigation were covered by executive privilege.”

Dems Flip Out

Democrats, as one would imagine, were less than thrilled about the letter that was sent out to Mueller.

However, Mueller is the one that actually requested the advice, something the mainstream media has not even hinted.

In fact, every outlet is pitching this story as though the DOJ is simply telling Mueller what he can and cannot do.

His testimony is to begin 8:30 a.m. EDT tomorrow.

Mueller will appear before both the House Judiciary and House Intelligence panels.

Honestly, Mueller reaching out to the DOJ was not really a surprise because he has made it quite clear he really wants the report to stand on its own.

As far as he is concerned, he did his report, submitted it, and at this point, he should be removed from the proceedings.

Only Want One Thing

House Democrats, while they will pretend otherwise, really only want one thing from Mueller.

All they want him to say is that if Trump were not president, he would have been indicted for obstruction.

In his report, Mueller did not make a decision either way.

However, he did leave a small crumb when he stated that since Trump was a sitting president, DOJ policy did not even allow him to consider indicting Trump.

If history offers any representation of what we can expect from Mueller, though, he will not be rattled by Democrats.

Mueller himself is a merciless interrogator and there is nothing the Dems will be able to throw at him that he has not already used himself during investigations and testimonies.

He also knows the DOJ will be paying particular attention to this case, so he is unlikely to disobey the “advice” to not go beyond the scope of his original investigation.

How he answers that one question, though, will determine if impeachment talks are revived or if they are forever dead.

Source: CNN

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