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Former Obama Officials Turning on Each Other

With three investigations underway over the origins of the Russia probe, former Obama officials are starting to get very nervous.

According to former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, both Loretta Lynch and James Comey are now trying to cover their own butts.

Lynch Strikes First

Lorretta Lynch, Obama’s former Attorney General, recently lashed out at Comey over statements the disgraced former FBI Director made under oath.

Huckabee stated, “She basically called him a liar.

“That’s something that he has been called a lot over the past few months by people who have looked at what he said and how it contradicts other things he said.

“I think what we’re seeing here is that this whole issue is not moving from a political theater to a legal theater.

“That means the rules are changed.

“When it was about political rhetoric, people could say whatever they want.

“James Comey could speak politically, he could go on talk shows, promote his book.

“He could present himself as some big deal who knew a lot more and was a little more sanctimonious than pretty much anybody else in the country.”

Calling Comey’s Bluff

Comey’s testimony during the House investigation led everyone to believe Lynch was trying to cover something up.

He stated, “The attorney general had directed me not to call it an investigation, but instead to call it a matter, which confused and concerned me.

“That was one of the bricks in the load that led me to conclude, ‘I have to step away from the department if we’re to close this case credibly.’”

Comey’s comments were in regard to the conclusions he reached at the end of the Hllary probe where he chose NOT to discuss the conclusion with the Attorney General or prosecuting attorneys.

Lynch stated she “was surprised” by Comey’s testimony, completely mischaracterizing the conversation she had with Comey.

As Huckabee stated, the stakes in this game have changed rather dramatically, because Barr is looking to get to the bottom of this, one way or the other.

Now all the cockroaches are scrambling in fear they very well may end up behind bars if Barr uncovers the scandal most conservatives believe happened during the transition period of the Obama and Trump administrations.

Source: Fox News

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