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Governor Kristi Noem Blasts Romney for Congratulating Biden

South Dakota’s Governor has been a rock star throughout this election process.

With numerous Republicans defecting in favor of Joe Biden, all of whom have reached out to pat Joe on the back, including Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), Governor Noem did not hold back on the possibility of election problems or the disloyalty shown by people like Romney…

Even if Biden beats the legal challenges Trump has in play, his supporters are taking down names as to who gave up and who supported Trump.

They will continue to be engaged in this process and if Democrats thought they took it on the chin in 2020 in the House, wait until they see what is headed their way in 2022 and 2024.

I would also caution all those RINOs that have primary races coming up during that time, because we will work our butts off to unseat you in the primary and put someone in the general election that will represent We the People, not their own personal interests.

Something else to consider is that conservatives are already looking for who is going to step up as a favorite for the 2024 election and with Nikki Haley sitting on her hands right now, it would not be overly surprising to seek Noem start to work her way up the list as 2024 favorites.

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