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Graham Defends Trump Decision to Declassify Materials

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) has once again come to the defense of his president.

As James Clapper and John Brennan call the move by Trump to declassify intelligence materials “outrageous,” Graham says it is what the American people deserve to see.

He took it a step further by stating, “The people who are worried about this are worried about being exposed for taking the law in their own hands.”

Transparency is Good

The Russia probe has by far been the most polarizing event this county has seen since Nixon’s Watergate scandal.

However, unlike Richard Nixon, Donald Trump has been exonerated by an investigation.

Democrats, for two years, touted the abilities of Robert Mueller and said they would abide by his decision.

Graham actually swam upstream to back Mueller, saying he had complete confidence Mueller would uncover the truth.

Well, Mueller did, but it was not the truth Democrats wanted to hear.

For those two years, Dems screamed about transparency, now they want to keep everything hidden.

There is only one reason they would want this, and that is because they know those papers hold the key to fingering the individuals responsible for the hoax investigation against Donald Trump.

Supporting Trump

While former CIA director John Brennan believes William Barr is not the right person to have these intelligence documents, Graham believes he is perfect for the job.

Brennan saying Barr does not understand the value of intelligence assets is ludicrous, as Barr worked in the CIA from 1973 to 1977.

Furthermore, he is in his second stint at the Attorney General, with his first being under George H.W. Bush.

It only goes to reason that his experience with Bush, who once led the CIA, as well Barr’s previous experience in the CIA make him more than qualified to disseminate what can and cannot be seen by the American people.

Source: Fox News

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