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Harris Says She Can’t Take Gabbard ‘so seriously’

Rather than actually defend herself from the attacks of Tulsi Gabbard, Senator Kamala Harris chose to belittle her fellow female Democrat candidate.

When asked about the attack post-debate by Anderson Cooper, Harris stated, “Well, yeah, and especially when people are at zero or 1 percent, or whatever she might be at, and so I did expect I might take hits tonight.

She later added, “I can only take what she says and her opinion so seriously.”

Legitimate Attacks

Gabbard hit Harris on some very legitimate points that Harris was allowed to skate around all night.

She went after Harris’ record as a prosecutor in California, which is one of her biggest weaknesses in the eyes of liberals.

One of the damning accusations by Gabbard was that Harris was keeping prisoners in jail longer than their actual sentences so that the state would have more free labor to use.

So, not only did Harris not answer the question, she brushed it off simply because Gabbard is not polling very well.

Harris stated, “I’m obviously a top-tier candidate, and so I did expect that I would be on the stage and take hits tonight, because there are a lot of people who are trying to make the stage for the next debate.”

If she did that to one of her fellow candidates, how important is the voice of any one American going to be to her?

Furthermore, how arrogant can someone possibly be?

Harris needs to get over herself because she would actually be considered a third-tier candidate in this race.

Biden is clearly on the top shelf right now based on current polls, doubling his closest competitor.

The second tier would be Sanders and Warren, who are running neck-and-neck right now.

Finally, on that third tier would be Harris, who is polling about five points, a full thirty percent, lower than both Sanders and Warren.

We are still waiting for the media to call her out over her comments belittling and dismissing a fellow candidate, but since she is one of the darlings of the party, we all know that will never happen.

Source: Fox News

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