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ICE Immigration Sting Nets 680 Arrests

President Trump promised mass ICE raids and yesterday, we just saw the results.

Immigration officials raided several Mississippi chicken processing plants, netting 680 arrests of illegal immigrants.

The Round-Up

Immigrant rights advocates were furious over the timing of the raids.

Several advocates were disgusted that the administration would conduct raids against mostly Hispanic workers while El Paso was recovering from the mass shooting, as though one had something to do with the other.

Crowds had gathered outside the facilities, chanting “Let them go!” as ICE officers put the illegals in cuffs and transported them to the holding facility.

Other people commented about their concerns for the poultry industry itself, wondering how the chickens were going to be processed now.

Maria Isabel Ayala, a woman who works childcare at the plant for employees stated, “This will affect the economy.

“Without them there, how will you get your chicken?”

Well, I guess we will just have to eat steak and pork for a few weeks.

Everyone seems to be missing the point, though.

These individuals not only came into the country illegally, that also happens to be 680 jobs that could have gone to legal residents and U.S. citizens.

Not long after the raids took place, officials for one of the companies raided, Peco, stated, “We are fully cooperating with the authorities in their investigation and are navigating a potential disruption of operations.”

The three other companies involved either did not respond or were not available for comment.

Workplace Raids

Operations such as this are expensive and take significant time to plan and coordinate, but they are very effective when done properly.

They not only round up hundreds of illegals at once, but they also expose businesses that are employing illegals over legal residents and U.S. citizens.

These raids were commonplace under Bush, but President Obama preferred to keep his raids under the radar so as not to impact his image.

However, it should be noted that Obama reportedly deported roughly 800,000 illegals during his time in office.

Source: NBCDFW 5

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