House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been holding onto the articles of impeachment for about three weeks now, but it seems like she is finally ready to let go of the death grip.
According to recent reports, Pelosi has scheduled a House vote on Wednesday to approve the transmission of the articles of impeachment to the Senate.
Still Trying to Get Her Way
Even as the news broke about the vote, Pelosi was still pleading for support to have witnesses called and a “fair trial.”
Pelosi stated, “The President and the Senators will be held accountable.
“The American people deserve the truth, and the Constitution demands a trial.”
It is pretty hypocritical to hear Pelosi talking about a fair trial when the Dems in the House railroaded the hearings to ensure they got exactly what they wanted and nothing else.
Rather than wait for court cases to play out regarding documentation and witnesses, Democrats acted prematurely to impeach Trump on obstruction when these cases are not even settled yet.
At every turn, Trump has done what has been ordered by the courts, but Democrat leadership insisted this impeachment was of the utmost importance and needed to be carried out now… then they held the articles for three weeks.
On this very subject, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated, “Do these sound like leaders who really believe we are in a constitutional crisis, one that requires the ultimate remedy?
“It will fall to the Senate to end it with seriousness and sobriety.”
Quick but Fair
Even though Dems are complaining this trial will be rigged, the growing sentiment among Republicans is that some witnesses will be heard.
Both Senators Romney (R-UT) and Collins (R-ME) have stated they want to hear witnesses, which just about assures that of happening if a vote is taken on the matter.
Their defection leaves McConnell with no votes to spare on a vote and surely there is at least one more Republican out there that will sway from the party line, most likely being Senator Roy Blount (R-MO).
There also seems to be little doubt that Trump will be acquitted rather than just having the charges dismissed.
From my perspective, that is the better option simply because it would offer less fodder for Democrats to use during the general election against Trump.
If there is a full trial rather than a dismissal, it will not bode well for Democrats because the stunts they pulled in the House hearings will not be permitted here.
For instance, expect all the hearsay evidence and “opinions” to be tossed out as inadmissible, with our Chief Justice presiding and the Senate having the ultimate say.
This will be a fair trial, but fair is not what works for Democrats.
Source: NBC DFW
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