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Joe Biden: Trump is ‘insincere, ill-informed and impulsive. And sometimes corrupt.’

Joe Biden is trying to deflect from his own problems in the election and going after Donald Trump again as though the general election has already started.

After announcing his own foreign policy agenda, Biden tore into Trump’s, stating, “And make no mistake about it — the world sees Trump for what he is: insincere, ill-informed and impulsive. And sometimes corrupt.”

Back on the Attack

Biden has been getting killed by his fellow Democrats, so trying to get the focus back on Trump makes sense.

The problem for Biden, though, is it is not exactly working.

The more the party sees him, it seems as though the more people come out against him.

Biden is railing against policies and current problems that he helped create.

For instance, Biden voted in support of the Iraq War in 2002, yet he rails against the “forever wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East.”

Biden has also stated that Trump’s America First agenda will be gone for good.

One of the first things he would do in office is to conduct a “summit of the world’s democracies.”

This sounds a lot like Obama’s apology tour after he took office.

Coming Under Fire

While Biden is ignoring his own shortcomings, his opponents are not.

Governor Jay Inslee stated, “I thought it was a horrendous lack of judgment to give George Bush the authority to go to war, and I considered the vice president, whom I respect, who’s done some tremendous work during his public life, but that was a misjudgment of such cataclysmic loss to the United States and people around the world.

“I do believe he has to take responsibility for that.”

Biden seems to brush these comments off for now, mostly because the media is not putting him on the spot.

In the meantime, Biden pushes his experience, stating, “I think, whether I’m right or not, I know as much about American foreign policy than anyone around, including even maybe Kissinger.

“I say that because I’ve been doing it my entire adult life.”

Yes, Joe, you have been doing this your entire adult life and you never made a difference.

You have been in office most of the last 40 years and now you talk about creating change.

Tell us, please, what the hell did you do during those four decades in office?

Source: CBS News

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