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Leaked UK Emails Put U.S.-UK Relations at Risk

Some rather unflattering emails from a U.K. ambassador have been leaked and it could point to some immediate problems between the U.S. and one of its largest allies.

In the emails, Sir Kim Darroch, the UK ambassador to Washington, calls President Trump both “uniquely dysfunctional” and “divided.”

Straining Relations

The current relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is already strained.

President Trump has been trying to recover from past bad trade deals, which has put a major strain on the current relationship.

The UK is not used to having someone stand up to them and numerous officials have stated they would prefer to deal with someone with a different outlook than Trump’s.

The fact they are having so many difficulties getting Trump to bend is not sitting well at all.

The emails do not paint a very positive picture of Trump, but that may have been done purposely (more on that in a bit).

In one message, Sir Kim stated, “We don’t really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction-riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept.”

He actually challenges if this White House “will ever look competent.”

Sir Kim was also critical of the fact Trump prefers people to talk to him in simple and blunt terms.

Honestly, to me, that makes Trump sound more like someone that doesn’t want someone shoveling a load of bullsh*t to him when they are in his office.

Influencing Election

This may sound like a bit of a conspiracy theory, but hear me out before making a judgment.

The UK is reeling from BREXIT.

Its relations with the U.S. are strained because Trump wants to even out the trade deals.

The UK is having problems negotiating with Trump and it is well-known the Democrats would take a different tack than Trump has done.

In fact, most Democrats in office today just want things to return the way they were, which was heavily in favor of the UK.

What better way to hurt Trump’s chances of re-election than by painting a picture of an inadequate leader?

This could end up becoming far more damaging than buying Facebook ads and trolling people on social media.

Furthermore, knowing Trump’s temperament, it could severely damage existing relations, putting Trump in an even deeper hole.

This, at least to me, does not seem like an accidental leak but rather one that was done with the purpose of making ANY Democrat appear to be the better choice for Americans.

You can also bet this story will be front and center of the attacks the Democrats use against Trump for this point forward.

The White House has yet to respond and you can bet someone took Trump’s phone out of his hands as soon as this story broke.

We can surely expect a response to this, but they may want to make Trump count to 100 before doing so to avoid feeding into the exact narrative this leak is trying to create.

Source: BBC

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