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Mexico Caves, Signs Immigration Deal with Trump

President Trump capped off what has been a stellar week by getting Mexico to cave.

Friday night, President Trump announced the planned tariffs had worked and Mexico was on board with helping curb the southern border crisis…

Tariffs Work

The tariff plan initiated by President Trump, while criticized by much of Congress, clearly worked.

The original plan was to introduce an immediate five percent tariff on all goods coming in from Mexico.

For each month that passed, the tariffs would increase by an additional five percent.

In October, when the tariffs reached 25 percent, they would remain fixed until Mexico committed to addressing the issue.

Democrats were immediately outraged by the plan, mostly, it seemed, because they feared they would not be able to get avocados.

I wish that were a joke, but it’s not.

There were massive campaigns on social media citing the rising price of Avocados if Trump went through with the tariffs.

President Trump also faced resistance within his own party, most notably by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

It seemed as though nobody was willing to deal with the short-term sacrifice for the long-term benefit.

Deal Reached

All of that is mute now because Mexico caved and agreed to help the United States curb the flow of immigrants from Central America to our southern border.

While the complete details of the deal are not yet known, we do know Mexico will be deploying its own National Guard throughout the country to cut off these caravans of immigrants.

Additionally, Mexico will work harder to detect and stop human trafficking efforts by smugglers.

This is a HUGE win for Trump that has already sent shockwaves throughout the Democrat party.

Trump did, by himself, what our Congress was unable to achieve, which is to get Mexico to become a partner in dealing with this immigration crisis.

Well done, Mr. President.

Source: Fox News

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