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Old Guard and New Breed Dems Clash for Power in House

The battle between the Old Guard and the New Breed is officially on.

After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) engaged in an open Twitter battle, the stakes have been raised considerably over the last two days.

Old Guard House Dems have rallied behind Pelosi and now AOC’s New Breed are being openly attacked not only by House Democrats but also by the Democrat Party.

Civil War in the Democrat Party

The dust-up between AOC and Pelosi was relatively tame until AOC accused Pelosi of being a racist.

AOC tried to downplay her comments, but she clearly made racial accusations against the House Speaker.

That, in most party members eyes, was a line that should have never been crossed.

Rep. William Clay (D-MO) was among the first to defend Pelosi.

He stated, “It was such a weak argument to say she was being picked on and that four women of color were being picked on by the speaker.”

“It tells you the level of ignorance to American history on their part as to what we are as the Democratic Caucus.

“It is so inappropriate. So uncalled for. It does not do anything to help with unity. It was unfair to Speaker Pelosi.”

“It’s going to take a process of maturing for those freshman members.

“They will have to learn to be effective legislators.”

“It shows their lack of sensitivity to racism. To fall back on that (trope) is a weak argument.

“It has no place in a civil discussion.”

“It shows they have no sensibility to different members from our caucus. Some come from red districts and those are the ones who gave us the majority.

“We need them all.”

Clay, in essence, made the same point I have been making for months in that racism is an allegation of convenience for Dems.

It is their fallback position, a position they rely on whenever they know they are behind in the argument.

AOC and her New Breed crew were not the only ones being targeted.

AOC’s chief-of-staff, Saikat Chakrabarti has all been a bit mouthy to the Old Guard Dems.

On Friday night, the official Twitter account of the House Dems took aim at him as well…

Chakrabarti, however, did not back down from his stance and had a quick trigger finger to respond to the attack by the House Dems account…

The Democrat Party is literally disintegrating right before our very eyes in a way that could happen only in today’s society.

These individuals literally work within feet of each other every day, yet they refuse to sit down and hash it out privately.

Instead, they are airing their dirty laundry out in public for everyone to see and building up more and more animosity between the Old Guard and the New Breed, much to our enjoyment.

Source: Fox News

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