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Pelosi Caves to GOP Pressure on Border Bill

With continued threats by House Democrats to block any funding unless ICE is stripped down to the bone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is caving to Senate Republicans.

The poison pill legislation that has been penned in the House is being shelved, with Pelosi agreeing to put a “clean” bill on the House floor that will cover emergency funding to bolster border facility operations.

A Clean Bill

The legislation that has been getting passed around the House is nothing more than a Democrat effort to sneak in immigration legislation that benefits their cause.

Senate Republicans took a different approach.

The new bill proposed by the Senate is actually a clean piece of legislation with absolutely no agenda at all in it.

The money is specifically targeted for certain areas of relief and there is a provision blocking these funds from being used for any other purpose.

I read the legislation from top to bottom and could not find a single line that looks like a partisan effort from either side.

Apparently, almost nobody else in the Senate could find a problem either, as the legislation passed with an 84-8 vote.

After the legislation passed, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated, “The Shelby-Leahy legislation has unified the Appropriations Committee.

“It has unified the Senate.

“The administration would sign it into law.

“So, all our House colleagues need to do to help the men, women, and children on the border this week is pass this unifying bipartisan bill and send it on to the president.”

House Pushback

While people like AOC are among those railing about the problems at detention centers, she was among the first to push back when word got out Pelosi was going to put the legislation on the House floor for a vote.

Pelosi sent a letter to her fellow Democrats stating, “In order to get resources to the children fastest, we will reluctantly pass the Senate bill.

“As we pass the Senate bill, we will do so with a Battle Cry as to how we go forward to protect children in a way that truly honors their dignity and worth.”

The ink was not even dry on Pelosi’s letter when AOC sent out a tweet expressing her discontent over Pelosi agreeing to put the legislation on the floor…

Fallout Due to Come

If this bill passes the Democrat-run House, expect significant pushback from AOC and her new breed.

Make no mistake about it, this will be an all-out war between the elite and the New Breed led by AOC and Rep. Ilhan Omar.

If Pelosi is able to rally enough Dems to get this bill through and on Trump’s desk for his signature, there will most definitely be fireworks.

Where it will really get interesting is in seeing which presidential candidates back the legislation and which stand against it.

Those that are against it will surely have the backing of AOC and company while the elite in the party will shift support behind those that supported it.

This is also going to give significant fodder to use both for and against House and Senate candidates in the upcoming 2020 election.

It is pretty hard to rail you are supporting illegal immigrants when you worked to block legislation that was meant to make the conditions at the border more favorable.

This one simple piece of legislation will have far-reaching effects that we are only truly beginning to see.

Source: Fox News

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