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Pelosi Has Epic Meltdown at Trump’s State of the Union Address

Last night, President Trump gave one of the most epic State of the Union speeches EVER, but Nancy Pelosi did not quite see it that way.

In what could arguably be called one of the most disgraceful and disrespectful acts by a House Speaker, she tore up his speech as Trump was winding down the SOTU, specifically so it would be captured on TV…


So, let me address the elephant in the room with Democrats saying the speech was filled with lies.

Trump did what every president has done in modern times and stretched the truth in his favor.

For instance, Trump stated, “Since my election, we have created seven million new jobs.”

Since Trump took office, there have been roughly 6.7 million jobs created, so Trump rounded up slightly.

This is, as I stated above, typical of what presidents do during their speeches and if you research fact checks on Obama’s State of the Union speeches, you will see the same laundry list of stretched stats you are probably going to see about Trump’s speech.

The true greatness of the speech, however, were the guests.

When Trump gave the young girl a scholarship, for instance, it should have been a bipartisan moment, yet it was not.

The veteran who is a recovering drug addict, the reunion of the military family… these were all great moments that will really hit home with voters.

Personally, I thought the most epic line of the night was when Trump stated, “The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens.”

This not only hits home with his base on immigration, but it also strikes at the heart of recent headlines of Americans falling victim to violent crimes by illegal immigrants, which impacts everyone in this country.

Every American needs to realize Democrats are more interested in protecting illegals than they are legal citizens and residents of this country.

As far as Pelosi is concerned, her behavior throughout the SOTU was disgraceful.

When Republicans called President Obama a “liar” in the middle of his SOTU, I was furious. I thought it lacked decorum and was beneath the party and said so at the time.

Whether we like the president or not, the SOTU is and always should be the sitting president’s moment to rally the country behind the country, not a bipartisan sideshow.

I understand the opposing party not applauding party issues, but when you are discussing accomplishments that benefit all Americans, tradition has been bipartisan recognition.

Last night, Democrats stood for very few of those moments, with people like Rep. Nadler (D-N.Y.) slouching and looking like a slob for most of the night.

Pelosi did not just rip up a speech last night, she ripped up a tribute to a fourth-grade little girl, the career of a Tuskegee Airman, the memory of a loved one who was murdered at the hands of an illegal immigrant, and the sacred and cherished memory of a woman that was murdered at the hands of a notorious terrorist.

At that moment, Pelosi might as well as have shredded our Constitution, as well as any hopes Democrats had of winning in 2020.

Pelosi embarrassed herself, her party, and our country last night, and Americans will never forget that come election day.

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