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Pelosi, Media Call Trump’s Cummings Attack ‘Racist’

We just knew this is where the Dems would take this.

After President Trump unleashed a brutal attack against Rep. Elijah Cummings this morning, the liberal media and high-profile Democrats have come out in force to protect Cummings, calling Trump a racist for his brutal but honest tweets against Cummings.

The Racist Narrative

I said in my column reporting the original tweets by Trump that this would be the tack the Democrats would take against Trump.

CNN’s Victor Blackwell responded to Trump almost immediately, pointing out that Trump tends to use the word “infested” when discussing matters relevant to minorities.

He then went on to breakdown numerous tweets and statements where Trump used terms like “Ebola infested” and “crime infested.”

He even had a dramatic pause during his rant to get himself emotional to further rip Trump for his words.

We would have to ask Blackwell that he if he lived there and knows there are “challenges” there, why not demand more from the person that is supposed to be representing you in Congress.

Nancy Pelosi also chimed in with a tweet, again accusing Trump of being a racist for his critique of Cummings’ ability to represent his people and the condition of his district…

Cummings also responded to Donald Trump, but his defense was a weak one.

He tweeted, “Mr. President, I go home to my district daily.

“Each morning, I wake up, and I go and fight for my neighbors.

“It is my constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the Executive Branch.

“But, it is my moral duty to fight for my constituents.”

Elijah Cummings has been in office since 1996.

During that time, Cummings has become a wealthy man, with a net worth estimated at more than $1 million.

According to, the 7th District is among the most dangerous areas in the entire state.

So, while Cummings has been getting rich, what exactly has he been doing for the people of his district for the last two decades?

No, Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Blackwell, Trump’s statements were not racist, just brutally honest.

Cummings has been lining his pockets for decades while watching his district spiral out of control, yet nobody is holding him accountable, until now.

You don’t get a free pass simply because you are a minority and it is surely is not racist to hold someone accountable for their record.

Hopefully, the American people can see through this rhetoric and recognize the biggest problem in this country is Democrats like Cummings that have spent their entire life in office, getting rich, while doing nothing to represent the people that elected them to office.

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