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Pence Embarrasses Dems, Brokers Peace with Turkey

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) passed legislation earlier this week to block Trump’s Syria strategy.

Several notable Republicans, including Senators McConnell (R-KY) and Graham (R-S.C.), expressed their displeasure of Trump removing U.S. troops from northern Syria.

All the while Trump said he had a plan and now that plan has come through in spades for our President.

Vice President Mike Pence just announced he has brokered a deal that will cease all military operations in Turkey for five days pending a permanent ceasefire.

Just Doing My Job

Pence was sent to Turkey to do a job and he did it.

While Pelosi and company were throwing temper tantrums at the White House, Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were brokering a real peace deal in the Middle East.

Pence stated, “The agreement today, first, ends the violence, which is what President Trump sent us here to do.

“We have also achieved an opportunity, by working with YPG to move out of the area, to create more peace and security and stability in that buffer zone.”

He later added, “I spoke to President Trump just a few moments ago. And I know the president is very grateful for President Erdogan’s willingness to step forward, to enact this cease-fire, and to give an opportunity for a peaceful solution to this conflict that commenced one week ago.”

A LOT of People Look Bad

If you are wondering how many faces in D.C. have egg on them, know there will be faces on both sides of the aisle using Kleenex to clean up the mess.

Remember, Pelosi helped push through legislation this week in the House that had bipartisan support to block Trump’s move of removing our troops in Syria.

Of course, many of those that voted in favor of this were also very much behind Obama when he said he wanted our troops out of Iraq.

The fact politicians are putting politics over the welfare of our troops is disgusting, but now they can all explain their lack of support for the President and their willingness to needlessly shed the blood of our troops to voters come election day.

People may not like the way Trump goes about his business, but the fact of the matter is he gets results.

He is on the verge of a massive trade deal with China, he is working to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and now his administration has negotiated true peace in a part of the Middle East nobody thought possible.

Yet, somehow, someway, both the media and Democrats will find a negative way to spin this, on that I have no doubt.

Source: CNBC

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