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Portland Rioters Attack Federal Courthouse

The far left is proving to everyone that Donald Trump was only an excuse for them to use to try to destroy this country.

Trump has been out of office for almost two months, but Portland still looks like a warzone.

The only thing that has changed is that the media just ignores the story since it does not benefit their preferred narrative any longer.

Streets on Fire

Federal officers were again deployed in Oregon, using tear gas and smoke bombs to try to quell the violence.

If Trump were still in office, Democrats would be screaming about the use of such tactics, but Joe is now in the White House, so this is suddenly okay.

The violence in Portland is no longer relegated to the dark hours, either, as this is now going on all day…

This entire city is now being held hostage, with many business owners forced to board up their business knowing full well that if they remain open, they are likely to fall victim to this violence.

I have to wonder… why is the mainstream media still not covering this?

Source: Fox News

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