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Rep. Tlaib 2015 Tweet Destroys Squad Narrative Trump is a Racist

A 2015 tweet from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) is making the rounds that is shattering the narrative about Trump’s tweet being racist.

After an article was published in the Guardian about then-candidate Trump wanting to lock down our borders, Tlaib tweeted, “Deport his a**hole!”

The Duplicity is Sickening

For more than a week, all we have been hearing is how racist Trump is for telling the members of The Squad to go back from where they came and fix their broken cities.

While only one member of The Squad is an immigrant, his point was well taken.

These women constantly defend broken parts of the world, like Central America and Somalia, while at the same time spewing anti-American rhetoric.

If those places are so much better, why are their residents fleeing to the awful country of the United States?

If those places are so great, why not go live there instead of the country they so openly hate?

If they are able to fix those countries, perhaps not so many people would be fleeing and trying to come to the United States.

Instead of taking his point, Democrats have decided to push the racist narrative.

So much so, in fact, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a resolution passed that condemned Trump’s comments as racist!

If we concede their point, which we don’t, then how do they not consider that 2015 tweet from Tlaib to be racist as well?

Oh, the Hypocrisy!

While the words may have been different, Tlaib clearly had the same sentiment as President Trump.

Not only that, she has repeatedly used vulgar language when attacking Trump.

Remember, Tlaib is the one that after winning her election famously stated, “Now let’s impeach the M**her F**ker.”

Dems, though, have refused to even call her out over her trash mouth.

The new narrative by The Squad is that anyone criticizing them or challenging their position is racist because you simply cannot do that to a woman of color.

So, they apparently get to say and do whatever they want without repercussion while conservatives even looking at them the wrong way get slapped with a racist label.

Seems fair, right?!

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