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Rep. Waters Says There is ‘Growing Unrest’ in Democrat Party

For weeks now, we have been saying Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is losing her grip on the party.

During an appearance on “AM Joy” on MSNBC, Rep. Waters (D-CA) hinted that is exactly the case.

Waters stated, “…There is a growing unrest in the Democratic Caucus where there are some members who say simply, let’s do an inquiry, a resolution inquiry, which would give us the opportunity to have a decision made going through our committees about whether or not there is room for an impeachment.”

Pursuing Impeachment

There are far too many Democrats in the House right now that actually need to start the impeachment process to be considered successful.

For example, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) based her entire 2018 campaign around impeaching Trump.

Waters is among those in that group.

She was one of the first establishment Democrats to come forward to demand the impeachment of Trump.

Most U.S. citizens had no idea who she was until she took up the call for impeachment and Waters is surely not ready to let go of her celebrity status just yet.

It is ironic, though, that doing so also caused many alt-right media outlets to dig into Waters and what they found was less than flattering.

As it turns out, Waters has seemingly spent more time in front of the ethics committee than with the chairman’s gavel in her hand.

She has been involved in a banking scheme as well as an election scheme that has netted her daughter close to, if not more, than $1 million.

The Resistance

While Waters and Tlaib, among others, continue to push the impeachment of Trump, Pelosi tries to pacify them while not actually moving forward with the impeachment.

Pelosi recently accused Trump of a coverup, yet she refuses to allow Tlaib to introduce her impeachment papers.

Now, I am no expert, but if Trump is involved in a coverup and you have proof, because surely a U.S. Representative would not make such an allegation without proof, is it not her duty to move forward with impeachment?

It should be, but Pelosi won’t do it because she knows she will lose, especially with a Republican-controlled Senate.

While trying to pacify her fellow Democrats, Pelosi is actually belittling them and making them look even more foolish by not moving forward.

However, she knows making people like Waters look foolish is far better than committing the political suicide move of actually moving forward with the impeachment.

As the election cycle for 2020 draws closer, expect the “unrest” Waters discussed to only grow louder and louder within the party.

In an effort to save the party and save face, Pelosi may wind up losing the House, the gavel, and any power the Democrats currently have in D.C.

Source: MSNBC

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