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Schiff Blocks Witnesses from Answering GOP Questions during Impeachment Hearing

Rep. Adam Schiff would love Americans to think Democrats are acting on the up-and-up, but that could not be further from the truth.

In his already secret hearings, reports have now surfaced that Schiff is blocking witnesses from responding to certain questions being posed by GOP representatives.

Dems Rewriting the Rules

Schiff has asked for zero input by Democrats on his committee during these hearings.

The only witnesses getting called are the witnesses Schiff wants to hear.

That being the case, you know few called will have anything good to say about Trump or counter the accusations made by the whistleblower.

Now, Schiff is apparently not even giving Republicans the opportunity to question his witnesses, as he has been outright blocking them from doing so.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) likened the tactics being used by Democrats as a “soviet style.”

We have seen Democrats berate conservative witnesses or those deemed to be helping Trump all the time, but that is a no-no under Schiff for anti-Trumpers.

Rep. Jordan (R-OH) stated, “When we asked [Vindman] who he spoke to after important events in July — Adam Schiff says, ‘no, no, no, we’re not going to let him answer that question.’”

Continued Secrecy

The whistleblower report was made public more than a month ago, but the only person that knows who this person is is Rep. Schiff.

Rep. Jordan says that is not the only problem when it comes to learning more about this complaint.

He stated, “The Democrats run out here and say, ‘ooh, the Republicans are trying to figure out who the whistleblower is.’

“We’re trying to figure out who our witness list is!”

He added, “I pointed out last week there 435 members of Congress…only one of them knows who the whistleblower is, more importantly, who the sources are for the whistleblower who were the basis of him filing this complaint.

“Now he doesn’t want anyone else to know that.”

Rep. Scalise added, “This has been a tainted process from the start.

“What happened today confirms even worse just how poorly Adam Schiff is handling this process, denying the ability for Republicans to even ask basic questions that are critical to the heart of whether or not a President of the United States is impeached.”

Just like Trump stated… this is a “lynching.”

Source: The Federalist / Fox News

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