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Senator Tom Cotton Says Biden Border Policies ‘Amoral’

As the Biden White House continues to say there is nothing to see at the border, the reality is that we have a true crisis, so much so that even some congressional Democrats are starting to panic.

The surge officials are seeing is worse than 2019 at its height, and officials say it is only going to get worse.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) just flipped the script and is now using Democrat talking points to shred Biden’s new immigration policy.

Amoral Immigration Policies

Cotton absolutely shredded Biden for what is going on at the border right now.

In part, Cotton stated, “This is a border crisis. This is the Biden border crisis.

“But you know if you’re Joe Biden and the Democrats and they don’t believe in borders, they don’t, therefore, think it is a crisis.

“They think this is a feature not a bug of their policy.

“They’ve literally turned detention centers – that are designed to turn people away at our borders- into reception centers. That’s what they’re gonna call them.

“What signal is that going to send?  We’ve seen migrants wearing their shirts that say, Biden, let us in…”

Ironically, virtually every point of attack is what Democrats claimed was going on during the Trump administration, yet only a few of them are opening up about it.

We have seen Texas Democrats openly slamming the new policies, but leadership in the party has remained quiet.

With the videos we are seeing coming from the border, it will not be much longer before this all blows up in Biden’s face.

Source: Fox News

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