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Texas Democrats Expose Real Problem at Border

For weeks now, the Biden administration has refused to call what is going on at the border a crisis.

Jen Psaki, during a recent press conference, told the media that we did not need to slap a label on it to feed a narrative.

Well, she better start talking to congressional members within her party, because a “crisis” is exactly what they are calling it.

Texas Democrats Spill the Beans

Rep. Gonzalez (D-TX) is front and center to the reality of Biden’s open borders plan.

He absolutely shredded Joe Biden for turning his district into utter chaos right now.

Gonzalez stated, “What you’re seeing is this administration is in its ivory tower, and they refuse to come down to the border and talk to anybody.

“Republicans, Democrats, we are all in the same boat. All of us deal with the same issues along the border.

“They refuse to have a conversation. And that worries me, because they’re leading from Washington and they’re not down on the ground talking to the people that see it every day: the ranchers, the farmers, the mayors, the sheriffs, [and] everyday citizens.

“This is a crisis, and the Biden administration is absent.

“It’s certainly not a challenge at the border. The border is on fire.”

You can see the full segment in the video below…

Gonzalez is not alone, either, as Rep. Cueller (D-TX) has also been ringing the bell on this…

So, Joe, now that members of your party are saying it’s a crisis, are you going to ignore them too?

Source: Fox News

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