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Top Border Chief Ousted Over Facility Conditions

For the past several days, Democrats have been railing over the conditions at border facilities.

That talk has finally paid off for them, as Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner John Sanders has resigned his position.

Concentration Camps Narrative

A little more than a week ago, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez likened border facilities to concentration camps.

Her comments created outrage throughout the country, but Dems seemed to latch onto the narrative as a way to create negative headlines for the Trump administration.

Before we knew it, news agencies were investigating some of the border facilities hit hardest by the influx of illegals crossing the border.

The conditions reported were not good, not even borderline by anyone’s standard.

It revealed the facilities are underfunded and overwhelmed, often with immigrant children taking care of each other.

It was then revealed that even some basic necessities are not being provided to the children, such as toothpaste to brush their teeth.

Matters were made worse during a recent interview when Sanders himself admitted to these problems, calling for more funding to address the issues.

Blocking Funding

While all this has been going on, Senate Republicans penned legislation to send $4.6 billion in funding to address humanitarian issues.

However, Democrats placed several poison pills within the legislation in an effort to block it.

From their perspective, the longer the money is withheld, the worse this situation gets and the more negative headlines they will be able to create.

The situation is now so bad, House Democrats are threatening not to push through the funding until any and all provisions are removed that would hold illegals accountable for their actions and help detain them.

Because of still deteriorating conditions, Sanders resigned.

The White House has also uncovered all the poison pills in the legislation, stating unless they are removed, Trump would veto the legislation, which will surely create an avalanche of negative publicity for Trump.

In the end, Democrats are once again getting everything they want no matter what happens.

If Trump signs, they get their poison pills and if he doesn’t, the conditions at these border facilities will continue to deteriorate, the Trump administration has more turnover in the cabinet, and they get to continue to rail against Trump without actually ever lifting a finger to help address the situation.

Democrats have regularly accused this administration of using people as pawns, yet they are the ones that hold the key to relief in their hands, and they refuse to budge on anything, including helping these children, solely to protect illegal immigrants, people that broke the law to enter this country.

Sadly, the mainstream media is buying into this narrative, holding Trump accountable while failing to put a single Democrat on the spot over their constant obstructionism.

Source: Fox News

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