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Trump Finally Wins Court Battle Against Dems

Democrats were just dealt their first big loss in the ongoing court cases against the Trump administration.

Judge Trevor McFadden ruled the Democrats could not block the Trump administration from reallocating funds from the Pentagon to construct a border wall.


This has to be a major breath of fresh air for the administration.

Finally, the administration got a judge that respected the power of the position and the will of the people.

Judge McFadden wrote, “This Court declines to take sides in this fight between the House and the President.

“The case presents a close question about the appropriate role of the Judiciary in resolving disputes between the other two branches of the Federal government.

“To be clear, the court does not imply that Congress may never sue the Executive to protect its powers.”

Clearly, at least in this case, the court is acknowledging the President’s right to declare a national emergency and address the issue without the issue being used as a political football by Democrats.

McFadden, by the way, is a Trump appointee, so we can definitely expect to hear some blowback from the Democrats on this decision.

Build the Wall

Blocking the wall is one of the main points of focus by Democrats right now.

This was a major campaign promise by Trump and the fact it is not underway has created significant blowback for Trump.

With this decision, the administration gets the first major influx of funds for the project.

This, along with wall construction already underway, will give Trump something to rally around for the 2020 election.

It will also prove to be a major blow to one of the significant attacks Dems had planned on hitting Trump with during the election cycle.

In the wake of all the lower court defeats Trump has experienced, the White House finally gets to pop the champagne to celebrate a win for the good guys.

Source: CNN

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