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Trump Knocks It Out of the Park with Super Bowl Ads

President Trump took out two ads spots for the Super Bowl… and they were both epic.

One ad touted the achievements of the administration and the second was meant to hit Dems right in their own backyard… criminal reform.

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There are two groups of ads the political world is talking about today that played during the Super Bowl.

The first was Bloomberg’s anti-gun ad that used blatantly misleading facts to try to sway voters.

The second is the two spots run by the Trump campaign.

The first ad Trump ran to tout his administration’s achievements was what we would generally expect.

It touted the economy, the military, and unemployment…

The second ad, though, is the one that really crushed it.

Criminal reform is a liberal issue and something the media never covers when it comes to this administration.

When Trump signed the First Step Act, legislation meant to give reformed criminals a second chance, it got very little coverage from the media.

When Trump granted Alice Johnson clemency in 2018, the mainstream media barely touched it.

That is okay, though, because Trump decided to use one of his ad spots to allow her to tell her own story…

With one of the largest viewing audiences of the year, Trump was able to land a shot that will hit deep in the hearts of liberals and the minority community.

Perhaps that is why Trump’s approval ratings are at historic highs across the board with minorities, even though the media refuses to report that as well.

The move by Trump was perfect in that it offsets the Bloomberg spot that is, as you are reading this, getting ripped to shreds for how misleading it was on statistics.

For Trump, this was money well spent, and it was a LOT of money. For Bloomberg, all he did was make everyone aware of how deceptive he is and that he simply cannot be trusted.

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