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Trump Slams Mueller After Explosive Comments on Mueller Report

On Wednesday, Robert Mueller poured a can of Red Bull into the Democrat effort to impeach the President.

After hearing Mueller’s comments, President Trump called the former special counsel “highly conflicted.”

If He Had Proof…

Trump was obviously upset after the Mueller comments.

Democrats were hoping the report would be their golden ticket to outing Trump, but it turned out the comments by Mueller were even better.

Even though the report does not indict Trump, Mueller handed that responsibility off rather nicely to Congress.

Mueller stated charging Trump was never an option because of the Justice Department policy of not indicting a sitting president.

Democrats ran with that as Mueller giving them the okay to run the investigation over to find grounds for impeachment.

Every presidential candidate added their two cents and Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) held his own presser, where he twisted Mueller’s words and lied about what Mueller said to support the impeachment claim.

For instance, Nadler stated Mueller said he had substantial evidence of obstruction, but no such words ever came out of Mueller’s mouth.

President Trump let the news cycle run for a full day, they he let loose on Twitter…

More Confusion

There is still the question that if Mueller never intended to charge Trump, why did he take the position in the first place?

The entire goal of the investigation was to definitively find out if there was collusion, which then extended into obstruction.

There was no collusion, so the case should have been stopped dead in its tracks.

Instead, Mueller kept the investigation open for two years to investigate something he never planned on issuing an indictment for regardless of what he found, or at least that is what he is claiming.

Trump is not the only one that should be upset here, as Mueller clearly duped the entire country.

When he could not find what he wanted, he took the cowards way out and handed the case off to Congress to continue to pursue.

Shockingly, even though it now appears her entire party wants to move forward with impeachment, Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) is still reluctant to introduce the papers onto the House floor.

She is hesitant because she flat out knows Democrats will never be successful if they move forward on this front and she does not want to be the scapegoat.

So, We the People continue to pay the price in that Democrats will continue to investigate Trump and Congress will continue to stand still.

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