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Trump’s Harshest Critics Offer Shocking Praise for Trump

In a time when we did not think it possible for Jim Acosta or Joe Scarborough to have anything nice to say about Trump, they chose today to throw accolades on Trump.

Both Jim Acosta and Joe Scarborough had nothing but kind words for President Trump on his D-Day speech in Normandy, France.

Hell Must Have Frozen Over

Personally, I never thought I would hear either of these two say anything nice about Trump, let alone both of them doing it on the same day.

Trump’s speech was everything we expect from our President.

He recapped a day in our history that left thousands of American families mourning in a voice that was both humble and appreciative.

There were no underlying political motives, only heartfelt appreciation for the sacrifice of the fallen…

When the speech was over, Acosta stated, “This is perhaps the most on-message moment of Donald Trump’s presidency today.

“We were all wondering if he would veer from his remarks, go off of his script but he stayed on script, stayed on message and, I think, rose to the moment.”

He further stated, “That could not be more of a fact check true.

“It was really one of those moments that Donald Trump needed to rise to in order to, I think, walk away from the cemetery, walk away from this hallowed ground and have people back at home saying, ‘You know what, no matter what I think about the current president of the United States, he said the right thing at Normandy. He did the right thing at Normandy.’”

Scarborough followed that narrative by also bestowing praise upon Trump, stating, “[Trump] delivered what, again, I believe is the strongest speech of his presidency.”

Don’t Get Too Giddy

While the compliments flowed for Trump, don’t expect the kindness to last much longer.

Acosta and Scarborough will once again pounce on Trump the moment they disagree with something that he says.

Regardless, it was nice to finally hear these two praise Trump for something good rather than trying to find a thread of something bad they could promote.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for all liberal voices.

Whoop Goldberg, for instance, slammed Trump for using bone spurs to avoid service.

She stated, “All those people who went and gave their lives — this didn’t ask, they didn’t have bone spurs.”

All she really did was prove she does not really want a unified country.

Instead, she would take this moment to push a narrative simply for the sake of creating divide and it is despicable.

We the People appreciate what Trump said, though, and completely, for once, agree with both Acosta and Scarborough in that Trump not only met the moment, he far exceeded it.

Everything about the speech was on point and there is little doubt the Trump Train just got a little more crowded.

Source: Fox News

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