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Two Black Chicago Police Officers Shoot White Suspect and the Media… Crickets

I have long made the case that the media specifically looks for police cases that involved a black suspect to blow up the racism angle.

I have also maintained this regularly happens to white people as well, but the media simply ignored these stories.

What happened in Chicago is a perfect example of exactly that.

Overzealous Officers

The two officers in the video below are clearly struggling with this suspect.

He appears to be a large man and between both of them, they are unable to get the cuffs on him.

During the course of the video, the man is sprayed with mace several times, but he continues to resist arrest.

I could be wrong, but I did not hear either officer call for backup to help them subdue the man.

What does happen, though, is the man gets shot, point-blank, after what sounds like her partner telling her to shoot the man, then, while running away from the officers, it appears as though he gets shot in the back (tough to tell based on the video).

The real concern, though, is that the media, other than the local news, has yet to report this story, only adding to the racist rage that is enveloping this country.

It is not that we want the police officers to get in trouble, but rather that we need to prove to the entire country this is not isolated to just minority communities.

The fact that these two officers are black (or appear to be from the video) and the suspect is white only makes the silence more disturbing.

The female officer that shot this man will undoubtedly claim she thought her life was in danger, which is why she unleashed the first shot.

That, though, is hard to believe considering it looks like her partner was actually holding up the suspect and tells her to shoot him. It looks more like an attempted execution that police trying to subdue the man at this point.

Rest assured, if this was a black suspect, regardless of the color of the officers, it would be all over the headlines today, ahead of the primary and ahead of any coronavirus stories.

Yet, other than local news outlets, there has been nary a peep about it and that is because if the media reports this, they have to acknowledge the problem is not just isolated between police and minorities.

Now, we know social media is going to limit the reach of this story so if you are reading it, do us a favor and share it so America can see this is a problem, NOT just a problem between police and minorities.

Source: Chicago Tribune

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